COVID-19 Update
In response to recent events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the organising committee of the Galway Cycle have issued the following statement:
“In response to, and in line with, recently announced Governmental guidance and controls, as well as Cycling Ireland’s arrangements (as the governing body for cycling in Ireland and under whose auspices the Galway Cycle operates), Galway Cycle group training sessions are cancelled until further notice. This action has not been taken lightly, but it is in line with the current expert guidance and is motivated by both the interests of our members and general public health.
The committee are also cognizant of the close proximity of the end of restrictions (as currently scheduled) to the scheduled date of the cycle, and as with this in mind are engaged in contingency planning while also closely monitoring the evolving situation. An update on the Galway Cycle event itself will be provided in due course as part of these measures.”