
Charity, Cycling and Craic!

Two more sleeps!

Well, only two sleeps to go! If you haven’t already make sure you take a look at the Information pack. This contains all the information you will need for the weekend. See you all on Friday morning! 🙂 GalwayCycle2014Informationpack_Long

March 26, 2014 0

Open meeting Monday 24th March

Our Mandatory Open Meeting is going to be held on Monday 24th March in the Iontas Lecture Theatre (no. 41 on the map) on North Campus beside the John Hume Building. The meeting will kick off at 7.30pm but there will be an opportunity to collect your jersey and hoodie before and after the meeting.…
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March 18, 2014 0

Tag Rugby Fundraiser!

Our Annual GC TAG RUGBY BLITZ is on Sunday 16th March at 12pm. Great Prizes to be won! Register as a team or an individual at

March 3, 2014 0

Open meeting / Take Me Out fundraiser

Tomorrow evening (Tuesday 11th) we are having our open meeting, this is at 7:30pm in John Hume lecture theatre 1 on NUIM campus. Here there will be some important talks about the weekend, a last chance to change any of your registration details and the opportunity for you to pick your room mates for the…
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February 10, 2014 0

Registration for cyclists is now CLOSED for Galway Cycle 2014

The registration for Galway Cycle 2014 has now CLOSED. Many thanks to all who have decided to sign up with us for the coming year! FOR COLLECTORS & SUPPORT CREW If you wish to come as a COLLECTOR, this registration process is still open! Please email for information on how to register.

January 31, 2014 0

Registration closing Friday 31st January

ONLY ONE DAY LEFT TO REGISTER!!!! Registration for GC14 will close midnight tonight! If you’re having any trouble registering or sorting insurance, let us know. Contact Conor:

January 31, 2014 0

Registration with Cycling Ireland a prerequisite for Galway Cycle 2014

Registration for Galway Cycle 2014 will open in the coming weeks. You will not be able to register as a cyclist unless you have first registered with Cycling Ireland. This is for insurance reasons. Please click here for information on how to register with Cycling Ireland

December 9, 2013 0

And we’re off! Charity and Committee for 2014

Congratulations to the Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland, as they were selected as the benifecary charity for 2014 at our AGM on Wednesday 9th of October. We look forward to working with you throughout what promises to be another unforgettable year! The selection was made by members present after excellent presentations from the five shortlisted…
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December 9, 2013 0

Latest fundraiser

This week we are organising a range of activities to coincide with PWSAI awareness week. Click “read more” below to find out details of the table quiz and the many other activities planned.

November 14, 2013 0

General information regarding the GC weekend

The Galway Cycle is now into it’s 27th year and is going stronger then ever! Over these 27 years over €1,000,000 euro has been raised for various Irish charities! If you are considering joining us for the coming year please have a look around our website and feel free to email with any questions…
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November 13, 2013 0